Auto Accident – Texting And Driving

In the city of San Luis Obispo, texting and driving is illegal. When this type of behavior causes an accident, the consequences can be serious for both the victim and the alleged driver. Texting and driving is so serious, in fact, that is considered an illegal activity in almost every jurisdiction in the nation.

Studies have shown that when a person look down at their cell phone to check or send a text, they can cross the length of five football fields before they look up again if they are driving at normal highway speeds. Virtually anything can cross a driver’s path in this distance. This type of accident is considered to be entirely avoidable and, as such, a victim can sue the driver who caused the accident for compensation.

Technology is used daily by the majority of people in the United States. It keeps people connected to one another and allows people to complete tasks quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, many are so addicted to their technological devices that they feel as though they can’t put them down. Some of the most frequently performed behaviors behind the wheel with these types of devices include texting, emailing, checking and posting to social media, and even taking pictures. Each of these behaviors is dangerous.

If you have been injured by a driver who was texting while behind the wheel, you have a right to seek compensation. An experienced attorney can assist you in determining what you are entitled to under the law and will assist you in seeking those damages.